Yin Yoga Teacher Training (Part-1)

Ready to become a Yin Yoga Teacher? Start learning now & get certified quickly by enrolling this 50 hrs course with Certificate.
Arhanta Teachers Team · June 24, 2020

Join our Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course and start teaching Yin Yoga as soon as in one week. Do you want to start teaching Yin Yoga full time / part time? Do you want to learn in-depth about Yin Yoga? Are you already a yoga teacher and want to add Yin Yoga to your repertoire? Or incorporate Yin Yoga elements in your classes?

This course is designed to give you all the necessary knowledge for teaching Yin Yoga with confidence.

This course is developed by Arhanta Yoga Ashrams (RYS 500, RYS 300 & RYS 200) which are worldwide recognized yoga teacher training schools since 2009.

About The Instructor

+142 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 38 Topics
  • 7 Quizzes

Ratings and Reviews

Avg. Rating
5 Ratings
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Stephanie Roy
Posted 2 years ago
very complete

Part One of Yin Yoga Teacher Training is very complete and gives a good understanding of both what is Yin Yoga and how to do the postures, what it targets and how each person can find variation to suit his or her body.

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anne gottfreund
Posted 3 years ago
Flexible Zeiteinteilung

Auch wenn ich zwischendurch 2 mal 2 Monate Pause machen musste, war es einfach wieder einzusteigen, und in den Lektionen voran zu gehen. Die englischen Erklärungen sind einfach zu verstehen. Für manche Videos hätte ich mir deutsche Untertitel gewünscht, dann wird nicht so störend, wenn man dazwischen manche Vokabeln nachsehen muss. Ansonsten kann ich diesen Online-Kurs uneingeschränkt empfehlen.

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Lela Mosemghvdlishvili
Posted 3 years ago
Well structured and designed course

As a professional educator and a course designer, I can unreservedly recommend this online course. Of course, the responsibility rests upon a learner on how diligently s/he will follow the course, but the way this program is organized offers you everything to delve into the subject matter. On my side, I am complementing the online study with practice and additional literature. Thank you.

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Rhys McInnes
Posted 3 years ago
Loved every minute!!

Very informative and educational, loved learning about the 3 bodies and a deeper understanding of the chakras. Great modifications and explanations. Very enjoyable! Thank you Ram!

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Stacey Grey
Posted 3 years ago
Fantastic Course!!

Thank you Ram for a wonderful online Yin Yoga Training Course. I have wanted to do my Yin training for a while, but was sceptical about training online, as I enjoy learning more practically. But this course was perfect. Easy to follow, very informative and Ram is an amazing teacher. I have now booked onto Yoga Nidra!!!

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