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Restorative Yoga Teacher Training

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  1. Orientation : Read Before You Start The Course
  2. Teacher Presentation
  3. Course Presentation
  4. Section A

    Manual Section A
  5. A-1 What is Restorative Yoga
  6. A-2 Key Principles Of Restorative Yoga
  7. A-3 History Of Restorative Yoga
  8. A-4 Benefits Of Restorative Yoga
  9. A-5 Therapeutic Application Of Restorative Yoga
  10. A-6 Common And Special Yoga Props You Need For Restorative Practice
  11. A-7 Practice
    5 Topics
    1 Quiz
  12. Home Assignments Section A
  13. Section B
    Manual Section B
  14. B-1 AHIMSA
    2 Topics
  15. B-2 The Nervous System
  16. B-3 How To Set The Intention
  17. B-4 Special Head And Neck Support Attention
  18. B-5 Pranayama For Restorative Yoga
    3 Topics
  19. B-6 Complete Yogic Breathing
  20. B-7 Long Exaltation
  21. B-8 Backbends
  22. B-9 General Restorative Yoga Holding Time
  23. B-10 Scientific Researches
    1 Quiz
  24. Home Assignments Section B
  25. Section C
    Manual Section C
  26. Presentation Section C
  27. 1. Foundation supported asana
    C-1 Supported Bound Angle Pose
    2 Topics
  28. C-2 Supported Child’s Pose
    2 Topics
  29. 2. Back-bending Asana
    C-3 Bridge Pose
    3 Topics
  30. C-4 Hero Pose
    2 Topics
  31. C-5 Upward Baw Pose
    3 Topics
  32. C-6 Supported Fish Pose
    1 Topic
  33. 3. Forward-bending Asana
    C-7 Paschimottanasana
    5 Topics
  34. C-8 Janhu Shirshasana
  35. C-9 Dandasana
  36. 4. Standing forward band
    C-10 Supported Standing Forward Bend
    1 Topic
  37. C-11 Wide Stance Forward Bend
    1 Topic
  38. C-12 Supported Downward Facing Dog
    1 Topic
  39. 5. Restorative Hip-opening Asana
    C-13 Supported Pigeon
    1 Topic
  40. C-14 Supported Seated Wide-angle Pose
    1 Topic
  41. C-15 Supported Cobbler’s Pose
    2 Topics
  42. 6. Passive Inversion asana: head below the heart
    C-16 Legs-up-the-wall Pose
    2 Topics
  43. C-17 Supported Shoulderstand
    1 Topic
  44. 7. Twisting restorative asana
    C-18 Balasana With Support And Twist
  45. 8. Special Asana you can teach with the use of a chair
    C-19 Special Chair Asana
    3 Topics
  46. 9. Relaxations restorative asana:
    C-20 Reclined Big Toe Pose
    1 Topic
  47. C-21 Corpse Pose
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
  48. Home Assignments Section C
  49. Section D
    Manual Section D
  50. Presentation Section D
  51. D-1 Tips For Teaching
  52. D-2 Suggested Words
  53. D-3 Time For Silence
  54. D-4 When To Make List Of Benefits
  55. D-5 One Hour Yoga Practice Presentation
  56. D-6 Restorative Yoga Practice 90 Minutes
  57. D-7 Commentary Sequence
  58. D-8 How To Address Emotions
  59. D-9 How To Manage Your Student's Emotions
  60. D-10 How To Teach : Tone Of Voice
  61. D-11 How To Correct Your Students
  62. D-12 How To Move Props
  63. D-13 End Of Section D
    1 Quiz
  64. Home Assignments Section D
  65. Section E
    Manual Section E
  66. Presentation Section E
  67. E-1 Sequence For Depression
  68. E-2A Restorative Yoga For Busy Life-1
  69. E-2B Restorative Yoga For Busy Life-2
  70. E-2C Restorative Yoga For Busy Life-3
  71. E-3 How To Start The Class
  72. E-4 Building The Class
  73. E-5 Restorative Yoga For Teachers
  74. E-6 Build A Restorative Class
  75. E-7 How To Add A Restorative Class In Your Week
  76. E-8 How To Teach Restorative Yoga Online
  77. E-9 How To Create An Efficient Routine
  78. E-10 General Practice Cautions
    1 Quiz
  79. Home Assignments Section E
  80. Section F
    Presentation Section F
  81. F-1 Stress And Anxiety Sequence
  82. F-2 Depression And Fatigue Short Sequence
  83. F-3 Depression And Fatigue Long Sequence
  84. F-4 Migraine And Headaches Sequence
  85. F-5 Sequence For Pms
  86. F-6 Sequence To Adjust Menstrual Cycles
  87. F-7 Relax And Destress Sequence
  88. F-8 Lower Back Rigidity Sequence
  89. F-9 Sequence To Increase Lungs Capacity And Improve Concentration
  90. F-10 Special Restorative Webinar On-line: A Full Outline
  91. Home Assignments Section F
  92. Restorative Yoga E-book
  93. Webinar
  94. Final Exam
Lesson 11, Topic 1
In Progress

A-7.1 Warmup

Lucia Seglie March 10, 2021
Lesson Progress
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